Inaugurated on May 26th 1996, Medicorp Bodimetric International Ltd is a joint venture between Medicorp of Hong Kong and Bodimetric Profiles of North America.

was incorporated in 1989 by registered medical practitioners and professionals in
medical benefits schemes. The principal objective is to provide quality underwriting services to life insurers. The main services offered include providing registered nurses to perform physical examinations and other underwriting requirements such as taking blood and urine samples for examination and carrying out electrocardiogram and simple lung function tests at the proposed insured person's place of choice - their office, residence, Medicorp Centre or other places including overseas addresses.

A major difference between MEDICORP and various Doctors' Group is that MEDICORP do not have a fixed panel of doctors. Instead, we assist individual organization to form a panel of its own doctors because fixed panels of doctors are obviously not suitable for each and every organization.

Our services, is therefore a tailored made service for individual company according to its own characteristics and unique requirements and include organization of in house clinics, arrangement of staff medical benefits and company appointed doctors.

We are also well informed and have good connection with medical resources in Hong Kong and are therefore able to locate what is most suitable for your company.

was formed in 1976 in Canada to offer a broad range of services from mobile paramedical examination and attending physician statements to in-depth telephone interviews and comprehensive personal background reports.A leader in the
insurance underwriting field, Bodimetric Profiles currently employs approximately 1,600 nurses, doctors and support staff working out of 20 regional offices.

In 1983, Bodimetric Profiles expanded into the United States by opening an office under the name of Reliable Reporting Inc. to offer similar services designed for the insurance industry.

20 years later, Bodimetric Profiles takes a bold leap onto the world stage by joining forces with Medicorp of Hong Kong to expand into Asia. This union came into being after Mr. Alan Shinton of Bodimetric Profiles met Dr. Wong Pit See and Mr. Ng Yin Nam of Medicorp in Hong Kong in 1995. Since both companies share the same vision of providing the best paramedical services to the insurance industry, talks soon focused on joint-venture partnership to take their services global.

於一九九六年五月二十六日開業的保迪國際有限公司是香港MEDICORP公司和北美BODIMETRIC PROFILES的合資聯營公司。




式俱全。BODIMETRIC PROFILES現僱有約一千六百名醫生,護士和其他工作人員,分別在二十個區域辦事處工作,是當地人壽保險業體驗的翹楚。

一九八三年,BODIMETRIC PROFILES進軍美國市場,成立RELIABLE REPORTING INC,為當地保險公司服務。 二十年後,BODIMETRIC PROFILES果敢地踏足世界市場,與香港的MEDICORP攜手合力開拓亞洲市場,這是一九九五年BODIMETRIC PROFILES的ALAN SHINTON先生與香港MEDICORP的王必思醫生和吳彥男先生相見後所促成的合作計劃。由於雙方都擁有共同抱負,致力為保險業提供最佳的保險驗身服務,故此雙方一說即合,旋即商討合作細則,將業務拓展至環球性質。